I'm taking a break from racing for a while.
I was fortunate to be able to do the Tour of the Valley (Youngstown) road race last weekend, riding for my first time ever as a team with some very talented women (Nancy, Sara, Angie, Tiffany, Tiffany - you gals ROCK.) It was a huge learning experience for me, not only because of the team tactics (I'll save the particulars for another blog), but also from racing alongside women up through Cat 1/Pro.*
*Mostly, I learned that I have a LONG way to go if I ever want to be that good. I'm not even sure if I can ever be that good, but I know I'll have fun trying.
Anyway, the very next day was Akron Bike Club's annual "Absolutely Beautiful Country" ride (affectionately renamed by Bob as "Absolutely Brutal Climbing").
Tuesday I rode with SFW, a ride into unknown territory for me. No other "B"s showed up, and I would have lit myself on fire to keep up with the "A"s if a newcomer hadn't shown up to hold me back. Ended up having to find my own way around Bath/Yellow Creek. Of course, all the turns I chose led me up 15% grades.
So, I admit it: I'm tired. I think I need a break. Any riding I do between now and my Hudson Valley Ride is going to be small chainring, recovery pace (i.e. under 18 mph), and I'm not going to seek out hills just for the fun of them. Scout's honor.*
*Is Snowville considered a hill?
To get this laid-back party started, Dave and I went out on the Medina Ice Cream Odyssey yesterday, a flat-to-rolling 42-mile ride made all the sweeter by the stop at Hartzler Dairy for a cold and creamy treat.
This Sunday is the Richfield Sweet Corn Challenge, and I'll be riding with Jackie, Dave, Gail and Mike ("fresh" off their Muddy Buddy adventure in Detroit), Tiffany from Tour of the Valley, and anyone who wants to join us for a leisurely 50-miler. And maybe a couple of Optional Horrendous Hills!*
*(I know, I know - but is Snowville really a hill????)
(P.S. Check out the Twin Sizzler blog for newly-uploaded photos).