It's official: we now have more bikes than we have space to keep them. To a non-cyclist, we would appear to have some strange hoarding disorder. Only the dirtiest of the bunch are banished to the garage; all the rest take up prime locations in the house, occupying the spaces where reasonable people might display art or feel the need for a bed or refrigerator
Maybe we're just like those families that keep having children. I mean, really, after the first 4 or so, the rest are really just replacements when one of the originals goes bad. Or the newest addition is so highly specialized that it might not see the light of day for more than a few hours a year. But we love them all, anyway.
Jamis 'cross bike and my 18-year old Rockhopper share space in the garage - at least until Jamis gets a bath. |
Long Haul Trucker and Pugsley hanging out in the basement. Camera-shy Raleigh 'cross bike hides off-camera. |
Bianchi waits patiently in the foyer to go for a ride on an uncharacteristically warm day in December. |
Care and feeding of the herd |
Neil is relegated to the trainer until spring |
Honestly, how does Dave get any work done in his office? |
Because I had such a good time at Iceman/Slush Cup, I figured I should quit borrowing mountain bikes and just buy one already. So, meet my new Giant Talon 29er, the most recent addition to the family. |
Great post! I think I'll have to write a spin-off of this one..Imagine what happens when you have 6 bikes in a one bedroom apartment?!
WOW, look at all those bicycles! :-0